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Excellent quality is our trademark

How fast, the level of quality and at what price can I get my parts made -  these are all important questions when choosing a partner.

Ferromek is known for its good quality; in fact, it is the core of everything we do. This quality applies to products, delivery assurance and our staff. We provide the industry with CNC machined parts and cost-effective solutions, of which we have 40 years of experience and professional knowledge. Customers appreciate our adaptability and quick service and are confident that they will get what they want, when they want it.

Flexible production and competitive price level for our services is our way of working, which has resulted in long customer relationships. Collaborate with us, and you will have a reliable and competent partner to grow and develop with.

Ferromek – We get it right


Those who come to work with us often stay. Would you like to be one of us?